Fall is Big Musky Time

The fall season has a turnover that makes big musky easier to catch. The fish will move into shallower waters to feed for the winter. The turnover happens at different times depending on a few factors.

fall is when to catch big musky

The latitude and size of the waterway are the main reasons affecting the turnover. It occurs faster in smaller shallow lakes and rivers. The weather farther north turns cold sooner also. The cold air cools down the water causing the turnover sooner than in regions to the south.

Fall Musky

When the water temperature falls below 70 it is pre-turnover. In northern areas, this is late August or early September. If you are a little farther south the period begins later. It is usually 2-3 weeks depending on your latitude and weather.

During the period the muskies will move into the shallows to feed. They will go to vegetation, rocky or sandy areas, and mouths of tributaries. The key is having deep water near these areas. The fish come shallow to feed and go back deep to digest and rest.

weeds are good for fall musky

Since the fish are in the shallows to feed it is easier to catch a fish. They do feed often in the fall. Musky will add weight for the winter. They do feed in the winter but far less than in fall.

You do need to hit the right places and at the right times. If you know a few good locations. Then time is the key to your success. I find the fish will use post-spawn locations often.

The time to fish comes down to the majors and minors. These are when the fish are more active. You need to be on a spot before the minor or major begins. A new or full moon helps also. Then work the areas thoroughly. There will be a few fish searching for food.

Musky fishing is about improving your odds. You need to find the right spots and time to fish. If you are not catching fish in the fall. You have the location or time wrong. You will not catch fish every time but it is more often.


This is the best time of the year to catch big and more muskies. The period lasts for about 4-6 weeks depending on your waterways and regional weather. When the water falls to 60 degrees the turnover will begin.

The turnover changes the muskies’ behaviors. You want the water to turn over fast. On lakes, this requires windy days to stir up the water. In flowing water it occurs from the current.



