How the Moon Affects Musky Fishing

You need to know how the moon affects musky fishing. It makes a difference in the success rate. People not using the information are missing out on a key element of musky fishing.

The Moon Affects Musky Fishing
The full moon and new moon increase the effect.

The position of the moon influences the activity of the pike family. Pike and musky are more active during a few periods of the day. As a result, you have better odds of having a fish follow or strike.

Major and Minor Moon Position Affects Musky Fishing.

The position of the moon has two influences. Where it is in relation to the Earth’s rotation and the distance from Earth. Both positions are beneficial to fishing in general, but more with pike and musky. Larger fish feel the moon’s effect more.

Position to Rotation

The rotation creates the major and minor bite times. This is when the moon is rising, setting, overhead, or underfoot. The majors are over and under positions. The minors are the rise and setting of the moon.

The majors have the most increase in activity. The minors see some increase in the fish’s activity level. Both of the times last about 2 hours. One hour before and an hour after the peak moment of the event.

If either occurs within an hour of sunrise or sunset it is an even bigger influence. You need to be at a good fishing spot during the times. As a result, you need to keep track of where you have raised a fish to follow a lure.

If you fish for musky without a plan it is a big mistake. Include this information with the knowledge of where you have found fish. Putting more good factors together is a strategy for success.

You need to include the weather, time of year, and the habitat needs of musky. The more of these that are favorable increases the odds of catching a fish.

Moon Distance Affects Musky Fishing

The distance the moon is from Earth is another element to pay attention to for fishing. The times the moon is closest are better. The moon is closer twice a month. The new moon and full moon are the times.

There is little research on the moon phases and fishing. Yet, folk tales abound about the full moon. The truth is the moon being closer does help. Experienced musky anglers and others will fish hard at these times. These people are using knowledge and skill to catch the big fish, not luck.

This is when trophy musky and pike tend to be caught. The smaller fish seem to be catchable most of the time. But trophy fish are more elusive. This makes trophy fish odds a little better. Do not overlook the full and new moon when planning a musky fishing trip.


Plan fishing trips using the moon position information. There is a correlation with catching more and bigger fish. Take the time to log the locations you have follows. Fish the places during a major or minor with other favorable conditions.



