Best Musky Soft Baits

Soft plastic musky baits fill a need in the arsenal of musky anglers. These lures produce all year, yet are some of the best in spring, summer, or fall, and areas with a lot of pressure. The majority of the soft baits are easy to use. Most anglers believe there is no wrong way to use this type of lure.

The simplicity makes it an appealing lure to anglers of all levels. You cast and retrieve or jig the lure. It does not require learning a skill to work effectively. That said, having experience will help find the proper retrieve and use of each lure. The fish will want a different speed or action at times.

Consider storing the baits also. Some lures are large and do not fit standard tackle boxes or trays.

Musky Innovations Musky Soft Baits

Musky Innovations is the leader in soft baits for musky. The company started in 1993 by making the Bull Dawg. Since it has expanded the Dawg line and added other types of lures. The company is staffed by experienced and professional anglers. Their knowledge goes into the design and testing of each lure model.

Bull Dawg

The lure is available in 3 sizes and many colors. You can find a size and color for every season and situation. The lure casts far allowing you to cover large sections of water. The retrieval speed controls the depth. A few pops or lifting of the rod creates an up and down action on the retrieve.

Best Musky Soft Baits include the bull dawg
  • 100% soft plastic lure with a balanced head
  • Swims down at a 45° angle on the fall
  • Swims horizontally on the retrieve
  • A large curly tail delivers amazing action
  • Small size 6 inch 1.2 ounces
  • Medium size 9 inches 4.5 ounces
  • Large size 12 inches 8 ounces

The hooks are matched to the size of the lure. The small Dawg has 1/0, the 9-inch has 3/0, and the big Dawg comes with 7/0 hooks. You can choose the size for the muskies in each specific waterway. In musky fishing, size does matter at times. Big baits equal bigger fish.

Double Dawg Musky Soft Baits

A double tail version of the Bull Dawg. The extra tail creates more action and a slightly larger profile. The added tail provides more lift making the lure run shallower. The lure is available in 2 sizes online. The colors online are limited but adequate. A musky needs to see the lure. In reality, the color only needs to create a silhouette.

The doble dawg is another of the Best Musky Soft Baits
  • A two-tailed version of the popular Bull Dawg
  • Creates a larger profile
  • More action, more vibration
  • Runs shallower
  • The 9-inch model weighs 4.7 ounces
  • 12-inch models weigh 7 ounces

The Double Dawg is a better choice in areas with weeds. You can keep it above submerged weeds and it has the extra action to draw the fish.

Swimmin’ Dawg

The front hook is placed forward for more hookups on head hits to the lure. This will happen on the pause and pull technique. You can do a straight retrieve also. This is a large paddle tail bait. Use it the same as the small ones you use in bass or walleye fishing.

  • Designed by Luke Ronnestrand
  • The front hook is further forward to increase hook-up rates
  • A flexible pro harness increases action and thump
  • Can be fished on a straight retrieve or with a pull-pause technique
  • Twin size 2/0 treble hooks

The lure continues to swim during the fall. A musky will hit the lure on the fall. It is a good lure. But tends to be a little pricey for many anglers.

Musky Innovation Soft Plastics at Bass Pro

Musky Innovation on Amazon

Chaos Tackle Musky Soft Baits

Chaos Tackle makes the Medussa and the Possieden soft plastics. The company is known for these lures plus a few others. They also produce rods for musky fishing. Chaos Tackle makes the big soft plastics for anglers seeking the big fish. You will find baits weighing 4-16 ounces in their lineup.

Regular Medussa Swimbait

If you believe more is better Medussa is a good choice. The lure has 3 tails adding more action and visual appeal. You can work the lure in many ways. It can be jerked, ripped, slowly rolled, trolled, and a straight retrieve.

Medussa re one of the bigger of the Best Musky Soft Baits
  • Triple-tailed
  • Brilliantly colored
  • Rock-solid interior harness
  • 2 big, sticky-sharp trebles
  • Jerk it, rip it, troll it, slow roll it, or straight-retrieve it

The standard Medussa is an eight-ounce lure. The length is 13 inches creating a larger profile. You cast the lure a long distance keeping it in the strike zone longer.

Husky Medussa Swimbait Musky Soft Baits

This is a bigger version of the standard Medussa. It weighs 10.5 ounces and has a length of 15 inches. The lure comes with 3 tails also. You work it with the same techniques as the other Medussa. It is good for aggressive musky and pike.

The husky medussa is the biggest of the Musky Soft Baits
  • 3 high-action tails with crazy moves
  • Triggers aggressive strikes from muskie and pike
  • Deadly regardless of retrieve style
  • Perfectly balanced design

The larger profile is good for trophy-size musky and pike. Plus it has no wrong way to retrieve it an aspect of many soft plastics designed for musky.

Posseidon Swimbait

Comes in a 10-inch length and weighs 6.5 ounces. It is a mid-sized lure from Chaos Tackle. The size is good for spring and pressured musky. The paddle tail provides a lot of kick in the action. The Possieden is a highly regarded lure amongst musky anglers.

  • Paddle tail delivers a realistic swimming action
  • Can be straight retrieved, jerked, ripped, or trolled
  • Durable soft plastic stands up to toothy predators

If you do not have the tackle for heavier lures. The Possieden is a good option. You can work however you choose. This is a versatile lure for a lot of situations.

Chaos Tackle Soft Plastics at Bass Pro

Bondy Bait Musky Soft Baits

Bondy baits are the endeavor of Jon Bondy, a fishing guide. The company started in 1989 and has grown into a successful lure-making operation. The company makes lures for all game species. Their musky lures are of high quality and proven to catch fish. The baits are used by many guides and professional musky anglers.

Original Lure

The Original Bondy is a jigging lure for musky. This lure is good for deeper water muskies. The length of 7 1/2 inches and weight of 7 ounces keeps it down in any conditions. It is a simple and effective lure.

  • Ideal muskie jig
  • Heavy enough to feel the bottom in windy conditions
  • Can be cast in open water to work ledges
  • Durable construction stands up to hard hits

The lure can be cast in open water. Then ripped and jerked along on the retrieve. A word of caution, the lure sinks fast and will get hung up in cover or rocky areas. Bring a lure retriever along with this lure.

Mini Wobbler

The Mini Wobbler has a slow fall with a lot of wobbling action to entice the fish. You will feel it wobble during the fall. Use it as a jig or rip it through open water. The lure is smaller than many other musky lures. At times, a smaller lure is what you need with a slow retrieve with plenty of action added.

  • Add some wicked wobble to your fishing game
  • Delivers a super-hard wobble on a slow drop
  • Constant back-and-forth shake on the retrieve
  • Tale blade spins and sparkles
  • Perfect for jigging or casting
  • 25% smaller than Bondy’s standard Wobbler
  • 2 sharp treble hooks

The lure is 6 inches and weighs 4.4 ounces. The blade adds to the allure for muskies. The hard wobble and flash at a slower speed mimic an injured prey.

Bondy Baits at Bass Pro


Soft Plastics have a place in musky fishing. The lures are used throughout the year by many anglers. You have options in sizes and weights to fit your rod. The majority are designed for a constant retrieve, while others offer jigging options. Adding a few to your lure lineup will give you options other lures do not provide.



